jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

Sudan v/s Sudan

This picture shows a Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) soldier who died in this pool of oil in the town of Heglig, after a clash with the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA), who's the army of the Republic of South Sudan, in Africa.

The conflict between Sudan Armed Forces and Sudan People's Liberation Army started because for more than  a half century Sudan's northern regime try to dominate the southern part, fighting in a conflict that seemed over in 2011, when South Sudan started their independence, but without an exact demarcation of the limits of the country, what makes difficult the resolution of the conflict.

This photograph was taken by Dominic Nahr (http://www.dominicnahr.com/), who works as a freelance photographer, appearing in different places like National Geographic, Time and The Wall Street Journal. 
He was in Sudan in April, 2011, while the two sides were disputing oil fields, in the area around the town of Heglig, seeing one of the biggest fighting, where this soldier died, on April 17th.

In September 2012, the presidents of both countries signed an agreement about oil and international relations, but it wasn't enough to calm the unsolved border disputes.

I like this photo because it's art and reality at the same time. The heaven and the oil brings different perspectives to appreciate this according our personalities. Also, I appreciate the work of Dominic Nahr, because he's so brave being in dangerous places and communicating what happens in all the world.

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Being sick

Today I'll talk about being sick, because I'm with "influenza". It's sounds terrible but isn't too much, only the first and second day was horrible, specially the night, but now I'm getting better. Howhever, this isn't the central topic, I'll reflect about how difficult is to live sick, I mean, there are many people who lives with chronic illness, making different every aspects of the days.

Now I'm with a little sick and it's difficult to me when I'm alone or when my family is sleeping to make things like take my medicine or eat some food, I imagine some of this things are impossible to do alone for people with biggest diseases.

I think we have to be conscience of the different conditions of the people and try to help when is necessary. In this case is hard because it requires many time, or contacts, like what Patch Adams do, who is a big example.

If whe don't have the time to do big helps we can do things that make a little more easier the life for each others, like help disabled people on the subway or take care our family and pets when they're sick.

Or recommending me movies to see these days hahaha (joke).

Hugs (not kisses because I'm contagious)

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

My mp3

This topic is difficult, cause usually an anthropologist deny their liking to technology and everything related with modernity, and I'm one of them.

My favourite piece of technology is the mp3, I have to confess that I'm a little addicted to listen music everytime I'm between a place and the other, between the university and the house, specially while I'm walking.

I have recived my current mp3 from my dad on my birthday. I've told him that I was working for buy one and he suprised me giving me that present (and it's red, my favourite color!), that's why I care this like nothing before and enjoy this too much.

I wish someday the scientists will create something like this but without electricity, like the musical boxes but with many songs, cause I don't play an instrument and when we're traveling the music seems necesary.

Someday I'll bought a solar energy mp3.

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

La bioguía

Today I'll talk about the webpage "La Bioguía". I've chosen this theme because it's something out of the academic things, making it more interesting. Also it gives a different perspective about things that's happening on the planet and that's related with anthropological area.

"La Bioguía" gives information about ideas for making a life more healthing and ecological, making posts about recycling or differents uses for the plants, with a list at the left place of the page with the principal topics. Recent examples of ideas for a sustentably life are the natural brushtheet based in tomillo and mint, or the pencilcase made with bootles (if you want to know more, see the page).

I think is very important to make colective information from things like this, without a personal interest, with conscience about the world and his fragility.

The link is: www.labioguia.com