jueves, 18 de julio de 2013


This semester I don't have a favourite subject, all subjects are boring to me now because we have too much to read, to theorize, but we don't have moments to take it into practice.

Anyway, sometimes I enjoy the subject called "Estructuralismo" (or "Anthropology III") because the teacher, Rolf Foerster, is a very intelligent and interesting anthropologist, with many answers and knowing.
In this subject, the main content is Levi-Strauss's theory about the mental structure and kinship. From this theory we can extract many ideas and connections with other authors, who talk about the power of speech (Foucault) or feminism (Gayle Rubin). 

I like this subject because it makes me feel too much interested and I can imagine the contents taken into practice. It makes me reflect about the topics and internalize them. I feel I'm learning and specially, I'm growing in terms of my mental capacity.

I've been studying very much for this subject because is the only one that makes me more interested. Also, I have had good results, specially in my professional development as an anthropologist. The most clear sign of this is that I enjoy investigating about Structuralism and then I remember about the topic (I always forget the topics of other subjects).

3 comentarios:

  1. I wish you good luck in the test (if you have it, of course)! I hope that the subject will be good and interesting the next year!

  2. Also I hope that the subject will be good the next year for us haha, this year we read "un vasito de ron" from Levi Strauss and I really like this, so I hope that I like that subject :P and is true that the teacher influence a lot if you like or not the subject!

  3. I was so interested on this subject at the beginning, but now I'm tired of Lévi-Strauus and his old and obsolete theory :(. I think that the teacher knows a lot but the contents are always in the paradise of "el viejo" (as the teacher calls Lévi-Strauus).
    In this exactly moment I'm reading something of Structuralism, so it makes me hate it a little bit.
