jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013


I think that pluralism of cultures is a good thing, because we construct it in a long communitarian process and it has a reason to be. We construct a big system of characteristic items of a specific group of people, and occidental culture had not the authority for ignore it. The globalization process is trying to do this, to create a unique language and unique customs.

Language is a particular item of every culture and as anthropologist we cannot ignore it. We have to enhance it, especially in terms of native languages with not much people who talk it. An example is Rapanui language. Native people are keeping it alive the most is possible, but someday they could be a smaller group of people and language could be in danger. Kaweskar language experienced it. When the people disappeared the language died.

That’s why I don’t agree with the man of the video and I would like to preserve several languages. I feel comfort using my own Chilean language, different in many things with Peruvian or Argentinian speeches. To find the differences it the interest part of this, to recognize the difference and enjoy it. I enjoy associating dissimilar elements like language or music with dissimilar cultures, to know that we are different and that’s why we are so valuable as society.

In conclusion, in the future I hope that English, Chinese or some language won’t be common for the entire world. 

5 comentarios:

  1. Yes Peti! Language it's something very important, specially for us that study the culture, and, i think that language it's something important on the configuration of it. Good post!

  2. I agree with you respect the importance of the language to anthropology, because is some investigations this topic is essential.

    Bye! :D

  3. I agree with you Peti, I think that we could'n have just one language, because it eliminate all the huge differences on our cultures that are bigger than our language.

  4. Hi! I think that the language is very important for configure our culture. You have a nice dream, but is complicated that we eliminate the great majority of the language :C. I love you

  5. Pety!! I love you post <3 because you have more reason when you said that we need keep the differences in the languages. Because I think that the differences make the life very very interesting :)
